Hiking 100 Miles To Start The Year – 05 January 2021

As I mentioned in my post last night about yesterday’s Herman Gulch hike, I am setting a goal for myself to hike at least 100 miles in the month of January. I’m currently at 22 miles and it’s the morning of the 5th, so I am keeping a good pace so far.

I am not sure of it being winter makes this more or less of a challenge. On the one hand, I enjoy hiking on snow and find that I notice the distance a little less in the snow. On the other hand, it’s slightly harder to drum up the motivation because I don’t love being in the cold. I am working on that, though. It’s really all about the attitude.

I am hoping to do some kind of traveling in the next few weeks. I have a $100 voucher for a flight on Southwest and I am thinking of heading to Oregon to do some coastal hiking. Alternately, I may go for a road trip to northwest Colorado and Utah. Or I might be too broke to do either. I will just have to wait and see how things turn out.