Fuck, Fuck, And More Fuck (Car Problems) – 06 April 2021

My car is in the shop and it’s not good. Some stupid fucking valve that has to do with the AWD and the transmission. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

But whatever. More debt. What else is new?

Today globs of slush were for a brief period of time falling from the storm clouds that drifted in from the mountains this afternoon. It’s also about 20 degrees colder than it was around noon and it is 6:30 now so normally it would still be the same temperature as it was throughout the day.

After I get my car back I am taking a short trip to a hot springs for a day or two to chill the fuck out. I am so filled with anxiety that it is causing me to feel kind of dissociated from everything and not in a good or interesting way, either.