I Have Seen The Many Faces

I have seen the many faces of a night that can’t exist, knowledge of my presence painted on the walls of my abyss.

Xtreemlee Patreeotik Po Um

Aye-aye captain; pledge lemon dusty shelves a legions tooth uh flag flaggy flaggiest ofthe you knighted states of matter/nature/mind America (best country in the whole fucking whirled!); end tooth a …

Urban Condos

If there’s one thing this world does not need, it’s more urban condos.

There’s That

When it’s already late, and you have to wake up early to get to some job or another or something, but you have this manic jolt of creative energy that …


Poetry is a medium invented to tell difficult stories that deal with the underlying nature of things.

Empty Complexity

The light, it blooms, disentagling everything. An empty complexity stumbles down the block, drunk on the ideas he thinks came from a forgotten dream he had the other night. The …

Outside A Small Cafe

Here I sit, coffee in hand, outside a small cafe. While the village psychic fights with her husband, who had stormed out of her shop, I wonder what would happen …

How Do You Get Your Weed?

Dispensary, delivery, dealer, grow, how do you get your weed? A great choice, indeed, is a seed and a hoe but not all of us can do that deed. Dealer’s …

What Is A Writer?

A writer must be both the best and the worst person you know. A writer exists always in that undefined space between despair and hope. A writer must die each …