Book of the Week – 20 January 2015 – Carsick: John Waters Hitchhikes Across America

It’s been over a month since I did a ‘book of the week.’ I’ve never been a creature of habit. I can’t think of another indicator of time to use, so I’ll keep it as ‘week’ for now.

As I was typing the headline for this, I realized it’s the first time I had to write ‘2015’ as the date.

Truth be told, I’m only halfway through the first part of Carsick. The book is divided into three parts. In the first, he tells us a fictional account of an ideal hitchhiking trip across the country. In the second, he tells us the worst-case-scenario, and in the third, he tells us what actually happened when he hitched rides across the country from Baltimore to San Francisco.

It’s not some kind of groundbreaking masterpiece or a collection of deep insights , but of course not everything needs to be. It’s been a fun read for me so far, and I highly recommend it.
